Masaru Dragon HD Latest voice
The voice Masaru Dragon HD Latest is available in the Azure Text-to-Speech service for the Japanese language.
How to use Masaru Dragon HD Latest voice in your videos
To use Masaru Dragon HD Latest voice in your videos, you can use the following JSON2Video code:
"type": "voice",
"model": "azure",
"voice": "ja-JP-Masaru:DragonHDLatestNeural",
"text": "春になると、庭は色とりどりの花や鳴き鳥でいっぱいになります。古いオークの木は訪れる人々に日陰を提供し、バラの間で蝶々が踊ります。小さな噴水は静かな音を奏で、自然の美しさを楽しんでリラックスするのに最適なスポットとなります。"
Masaru Dragon HD Latest supports SSML
SSML stands for Speech Synthesis Markup Language. It's a way to add instructions to your text so that a Text-To-Speech (TTS) system knows how to read it aloud.
You use SSML like HTML, but for controlling speech. It helps you adjust things like: Pronunciation, Pauses, Pitch and Volume, Emphasis, Speaking Rate.
"type": "voice",
"voice": "ja-JP-Masaru:DragonHDLatestNeural",
"text": "<speak>Hello, <break time="500ms"/> how are you today? <emphasis level="strong">This is important!</emphasis></speak>"
Masaru Dragon HD Latest is a neural voice
In Azure Cognitive Services, a Neural voice refers to a voice generated using neural network technology. This means the Text-To-Speech system uses advanced machine learning models to create more natural, human-like speech compared to traditional methods.
Key characteristics of Neural voices:
- More expressive and realistic
- Better at handling pitch, tone, and rhythm variations
- Sounds closer to how humans naturally speak