Sizing and positioning issues

My input video looks small with black space surronding it

This error is usually caused by the input video being smaller than the size of the output video. For example, your input video is 1280x720 and the output video is 1920x1080. You have 2 options:

  • Use a higher resolution input video that matches the output video size
  • Let the API scale up the input video to the size of the output video

If you go with option 2, the upsizing may loose quality and look pixalated. To upscale the input video, use the width and/or height properties. Setting just one property will upscale proportionally.

JSON2Video watermark

I upgraded to a paid plan and I still see the watermark

Once you subscribe to a monthly plan or buy a prepaid package, any new rendered video will not include the watermark.

However, you can continue seeing the watermark in these situations:

  • If you are using previously rendered videos as input videos of a video, these old videos may still have the watermark
  • If you just submit again the same movie to render, it might be cached and still include the watermark

To fix this issue, make sure you set cache: false to the scenes and movie objects and you re-submit the movie again.