In the following examples we will see how you can use subtitles in your videos with JSON2Video API.

Classic styles

The classic style and its variant classic-progressive, are simple subtitles.

You can customize the substitles with an outline around the text and a shadow. You can also define different colors for the current spoken word and the rest of the text, making it simple to highlight the word that is being spoken.

    "type": "subtitles",
    "settings": {
        "style": "classic",
        "outline-color": "#000000",
        "outline-width": 5
    "type": "subtitles",
    "settings": {
        "style": "classic",
        "box-color": "#000000",
        "outline-width": 10,
        "word-color": "#B185A7",
        "shadow-offset": 0,
        "shadow-color": "#000000",
        "max-words-per-line": 4,
        "font-size": 280,
        "font-family": "Luckiest Guy",
        "position": "center-center",
        "outline-color": "#000000",
        "line-color": "#FFF4E9"

The following uses classic-progressive, that shows the words as they are being spoken and hides those that are not.

    "type": "subtitles",
    "settings": {
        "style": "classic-progressive",
        "outline-color": "#000000",
        "font-family": "Libre Baskerville",
        "position": "bottom-left",
        "font-size": 200,
        "line-color": "#faedcd",
        "word-color": "#faedcd",
        "shadow-color": "#d4a373",
        "shadow-offset": 5,
        "max-words-per-line": 3,
        "outline-width": 3

The following example uses the classic style with max-words-per-line set to 1. This creates the effect that only the word that is being spoken is shown.

    "type": "subtitles",
    "settings": {
        "style": "classic",
        "outline-color": "#000000",
        "font-family": "Roboto",
        "position": "bottom-center",
        "font-size": 400,
        "line-color": "#faedcd",
        "word-color": "#faedcd",
        "shadow-offset": 10,
        "max-words-per-line": 1,
        "outline-width": 5

Boxed styles

There are 2 types of boxed styles: boxed-line and boxed-word.

The boxed-line style adds a box around the whole text. You can specify the color of the box with the box-color property, that defaults to black.

    "type": "subtitles",
    "settings": {
        "style": "boxed-line",
        "font-family": "Roboto",
        "position": "bottom-center",
        "font-size": 200,
        "line-color": "#faedcd",
        "word-color": "#00FF00",
        "max-words-per-line": 3

The boxed-word style adds a box around the spoken word. Again, box-color defines the color of the box.

    "type": "subtitles",
    "settings": {
        "style": "boxed-word",
        "font-family": "Luckiest Guy",
        "position": "bottom-center",
        "font-size": 200,
        "line-color": "#00FF00",
        "word-color": "#FFFF00",
        "max-words-per-line": 3,
        "outline-color": "#000000",
        "outline-width": 8