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Caching system

JSON2Video is designed to optimize video rendering as much as possible and reduce waiting time. To achieve this, it utilizes a caching system to avoid redundant operations such as:

  • Repeatedly downloading the same files.
  • Re-rendering templates or scenes that haven't changed.

The system intelligently detects changes and rebuilds scenes or movies accordingly. However, you can manually control caching behavior using the cache property.

Controlling Cache Behavior

The cache property can be applied to:

  • Movies: Force a complete re-render of the entire movie.
  • Scenes: Force a re-render of a specific scene.
  • Elements: Force a re-render or re-download of a specific element.

To better understand how the caching system works, let's see a few cases:

  • Forcing a re-render of the scene does not force the re-render or re-download of the elements in that scene, it only rebuilds the scene using the cached elements.
  • Forcing a re-render of an element inside a scene automatically triggers a re-render of the scene, but the other elements in the scene may still be cached.

Using the cache property

Set the cache property to false to force a fresh render, bypassing the cache. Setting it to true (or omitting the property) enables the system to use a cached version if available.

Example: Forcing a Re-render of an Element

    "type": "[[ELEMENT_TYPE]]",
    "cache": false