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Concat a List of Videos with Background Audio

This module concatenates a list of video clips and adds background audio to the resulting video. You provide a list of video URLs, specify background audio (optional), set the audio volume, and configure a fade-out effect at the end.

Input variables


An array of video objects to be concatenated. Each video object has the following properties:

  • URL: (Required) A valid and publicly accessible URL to the video file (e.g., MP4, MOV).
  • Seek: The starting point within the video, in seconds. Use 0 for the beginning of the video. Defaults to 0.
  • Duration: The duration of the video clip to use, in seconds. A value of -1 means use the full length of the video. Defaults to -1.

Background audio

(Optional) A valid and publicly accessible URL to an audio file (e.g., MP3, WAV). This audio will be added as background music to the concatenated video. Leave blank if you don't want to add background audio.

Audio volume

Sets the volume level of the background audio. You can select from the following options:

  • Muted (0)
  • Very low (0.05)
  • Low (0.2)
  • Medium (0.5)
  • Normal (1)

Defaults to Normal (1).

Fade out

Specifies the duration of the fade-out effect at the end of the concatenated video. You can select from the following options:

  • No fade out (0)
  • 1 second (1)
  • 1.5 seconds (1.5)
  • 2 seconds (2)

Defaults to 2 seconds.

Webhook URL

(Advanced) A URL that will be called once the video has been created. This can be a webhook URL or any other publicly accessible URL. This allows you to trigger other actions automatically after the video is processed.

Client data

(Advanced) An array of key-value pairs that will be passed to the webhook URL when the video is complete. This allows you to pass custom data along with the video processing status. Each object in the array requires:

  • Key: The key for the data pair.
  • Value: The value for the data pair.