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Add Automatic Subtitles to a Video

This module automatically adds subtitles to a video by transcribing its audio track. You can customize the appearance of the subtitles, including font, colors, and position. Optionally, you can also add background audio.

Input variables

Video url

URL to the video file you want to add subtitles to.


Specifies how the video should be resized.

  • Do not resize: The video will not be resized.
  • Resize the video to completely fill the canvas: Resizes the video to fill the entire canvas, potentially cropping some of the video.
  • Resize the video to fit in the canvas: Resizes the video to fit within the canvas, potentially leaving some empty space.

Mute video

If set to true, the original audio of the video will be muted. This is useful when adding background audio.

Audio url

(Optional) URL to an audio track that includes a voice over. If provided, this audio will be added to the video.

Voice language

Choose the language of the voice over to improve the accuracy of the subtitles transcription. The avilable options are:

  • Auto: Attempts to automatically detect the voiceover language.
  • English: English
  • Catalan: Catalan
  • Chinese (Simplified): Chinese (Simplified)
  • Chinese (Traditional): Chinese (Traditional)
  • Danish: Danish
  • Dutch: Dutch
  • French: French
  • Finnish: Finnish
  • German: German
  • Greek: Greek
  • Hindi: Hindi
  • Hindi Latin: Hindi Latin
  • Indonesian: Indonesian
  • Italian: Italian
  • Japanese: Japanese
  • Korean: Korean
  • Malay: Malay
  • Portuguese: Portuguese
  • Portuguese (Brazil): Portuguese (Brazil)
  • Russian: Russian
  • Spanish: Spanish
  • Spanish (Latin America): Spanish (Latin America)
  • Swedish: Swedish
  • Thai: Thai
  • Turkish: Turkish
  • Ukrainian: Ukrainian
  • Vietnamese: Vietnamese

Transcription model

Choose the AI model to use for the transcription.

  • default: Most accurate model, but may not support all languages.
  • whisper: Supports more languages but may lack some punctuation.

Trim video

Determines if the video should be trimmed to match the length of the audio track.

  • Yes: Trims the video to the length of the audio track.
  • No: The video will not be trimmed.

Font family

The font family to use for the subtitles. Available options include:

  • Arial
  • Libre Baskerville
  • Lobster
  • Luckiest Guy
  • Nanum Pen Script
  • Nunito
  • Pacifico
  • Roboto
  • Korean
  • Korean Bold
  • Chinese Simplified
  • Chinese Traditional

Font size

Size of the text in pixels. Defaults to 140.

Word color

Hex RGB color for the word that is being spoken at the moment. Example: #FF0000. Defaults to #00FF00.

Line color

Hex RGB color for the rest of the words in the sentence. Example: #FF0000. Defaults to #FFFF00.

Outline width

Outline width in pixels. Set it to 0 to remove the outline. Defaults to 5.


Subtitles position on the video. Available options are:

  • top-left
  • top-center
  • top-right
  • center-left
  • center-center
  • center-right
  • bottom-left
  • bottom-center
  • bottom-right
  • mid-bottom-center
  • mid-top-center

Defaults to mid-bottom-center.

Webhook URL (Advanced)

URL that will be called once the video has been created. This can be a webhook URL or any other URL.

Client data (Advanced)

A collection of key-value pairs that is passed to the webhook. You can use it to pass along data from this scenerio to the next scenario.

  • Key: The key of the data.
  • Value: The value of the data.